Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

Details for Mechanism ID: 9415
Country/Region: Côte d'Ivoire
Year: 2010
Main Partner: FHI 360
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: NGO
Funding Agency: HHS/CDC
Total Funding: $1,692,000

Under a CDC cooperative agreement that will end in 2010, Family Health International (FHI) supports the provision, strengthening, and expansion of sexual risk reduction interventions targeting commercial and transactional sex workers (SW), their partners, and other highly vulnerable populations (HVP) through the Highly Vulnerable Populations Project (PAPO-HVP). FHI works with local subgrantees at 13 sites to provide a minimum package of services that includes HIV prevention, HIV testing and counseling (TC), peer education through behavior change communication (BCC), condom sensitization and distribution, treatment for sexually transmitted infections (STI), and care and treatment for HIV-positive individuals.

While all service-delivery components of this program will be conducted by a TBD partner to be selected through a CDC competitive FOA (see narratives for New Mechanism 003), FHI will be funded through the CDC UTAP follow-on mechanism to continue and expand technical assistance drawing on its international and Ivoirian experience.

FHI is using FY 2009 funding to support the National OVC Program (PNOEV) and the National HIV/AIDS Care and Treatment Program (PNPEC), as well as providing assistance to the Ministry of AIDS (MLS) for implementation of an HIV in the workplace program targeting public- and private-sector workers with HIV prevention and care interventions.

With FY 2010 funding in the HVOP, HVCT, HBHC, OVC, and OHSS budget codes, FHI will continue to provide technical assistance in support of the PAPO project, the workplace program, the PNOEV, and the PNPEC. FHI will also provide technical assistance to support a minimum package of services with tailored HIV prevention messaging for men who have sex with men (MSM) and to assess service needs and effective interventions for prisoners. Technical assistance will include support for annual workplan development, development and dissemination of national documents and guidelines, and facilitation of collaboration with other ministries and partners. FHI staff will participate in meetings pertaining to strategic planning, assist in the development of national standards documents, and provide support for national trainings.

FHI will emphasize capacity building, the use of participatory processes, and a commitment to jointly defined objectives in order to ensure the full involvement and ownership of local partners and stakeholders in all phases of program development and implementation. Capacity building activities begin with a participatory capacity analysis of each subpartner and include organizational and technical strengthening and coaching, as appropriate, in HIV prevention, ARV treatment, care and support for orphans and vulnerable children, palliative care, continuum of care for people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA), monitoring and evaluation (M&E), HIV in the workplace, public health surveillance, program evaluation, quality assurance, and quality improvement.

FHI will report to the USG strategic information team quarterly program results and ad hoc requested program data. To help build and strengthen a unified national M&E system, FHI will participate in quarterly SI meetings and will implement decisions taken during these meetings.

Funding for Care: Adult Care and Support (HBHC): $100,000

Building on previous technical assistance work to strengthen national palliative care documents and practices, FHI will use FY 2010 funding in HBHC to support the National HIV/AIDS Care and Treatment Program (PNPEC) and PEPFAR implementing partners to improve the delivery, quality, and coordination of care and support services in accordance with national policies and the 2006-2010 National Palliative Care Strategic Plan. FHI technical assistance will focus on:

Supporting the PNPEC in coordinating national activities for effective care and support.

Supporting the MOH/PNPEC and MLS to organize awareness and advocacy sessions for care and support providers in the Lacs and Fromager regions.

Reproducing the standards documents for care and support, revised in 2009, and supporting the PNPEC to distribute them and ensure their use.

Advocating among officials and community leaders for the improvement of HIV care and support.

Continuing assistance to the national palliative care technical working group.

Supporting the PNPEC in implementation of prevention with positives (PWP) activities through technical assistance to finalize the national training document.

Supporting the MLS in the identification of a contact person for PWP activities.

Supporting the MOH/PNPEC to set up an HIV/AIDS care and support demonstration center.

Funding for Care: Orphans and Vulnerable Children (HKID): $250,000

Family Health International (FHI) provides technical assistance to the National Program for Orphans and Vulnerable Children (PNOEV) of the Ministry of the Family, Women, and Social Affairs (MFFAS) to support the development, evaluation, implementation, and extension of care services for orphans and vulnerable children (OVC). FHI works to build the technical and organizational capacities of the PNOEV and supports the elaboration of policies, norms, and procedures for the care of children infected or affected by HIV/AIDS.

With FY 2009 funding, FHI is working to:

Contribute to improving the quality of OVC services by supporting the training of trainers and OVC stakeholders

- Assist in coordinating stakeholders to identify a standard definition of national OVC prevention and care

Ensure the dissemination of national reference documents pertaining to OVC care

Contribute to the establishment of OVC legal rights committees.

Collaborate with REPMASCI (network of journalists and artists) and JHU/CCP to disseminate best practices and lessons learned from the implementation of the different models of care and coordination for OVC (IRIS, OVC collaboration platform, district health coordination and MLS district HIV coordination).

With FY 2010 funding, FHI will provide technical assistance for the following key activities:

Continue strengthening the technical and managerial capacity of the PNOEV

Support the PNOEV for the revision of national reference documents (policy, training module on the care of OVC) in accordance with standards of OVC service quality, as well as for capacity building of community workers.

Support the PNOEV to complete situational analyses of 12 communities and disseminate the findings.

Support the PNOEV and other MFFAS divisions in strengthening the technical operational capacities of social centers and their OVC platforms.

Funding for Testing: HIV Testing and Counseling (HVCT): $52,000

With FY 2010 funding in the HVCT budget code, FHI will provide technical and financial assistance to build the capacity of sex worker organizations in Abidjan and San Pedro to expand high-quality peer education, community mobilization, and promotion of HIV testing and counseling in their communities.

Funding for Health Systems Strengthening (OHSS): $540,000

Family Health International (FHI) provides technical assistance to the Ministry of AIDS (MLS) and other key stakeholders for the implementation of HIV/AIDS prevention, care, and treatment activities in the public- and private-sector workplace.

With FY 2009 funding, FHI is working to strengthen multi-sectoral coordination and collaboration and to build capacity for a strengthened HIV response in the Ivoirian workforce, in collaboration with private companies, the Cote d'Ivoire Business Coalition (CECI), and the MLS divisions in charge of the public sector (DSP) and private sector (DSPSC).

In collaboration with the MLS and other partners, FHI is providing technical assistance to government sectoral committees and private-sector umbrella organizations. This includes workplace HIV prevention and care activities in addition to technical support for the MLS in strengthening the coordination of workplace interventions, documentation and dissemination of best practices, standardization of quality assurance (policy, norms, and procedures documents), and monitoring and evaluation (M&E) tools, as well as the implementation of regular participatory program reviews and supervision.

With FY 2010 funding in OHSS, FHI will focus on the following priorities:

Provide technical assistance for the evaluation of technical and organizational capacities of the MLS.

Provide technical and logistical assistance to the MLS to assess the organizational and technical capacities of three departmental continuumof-care networks.

Provide technical and logistical assistance to the MLS for quarterly supervisions of departmental HIV/AIDS committees.

Support the organization of an exchange meeting among departmental HIV/AIDS committees involved in deploying the continuumof-care model IRIS.

Provide technical assistance to the MLS to support the integration of HIV/AIDS prevention and care services in the departments deploying the continuum-of-care network IRIS.

Support the MLS for the establishment of M&E units at the regional level.

FHI will work with the MLS to reinforce the national M&E system to better track and monitor the impact of HIV/AIDS prevention, care, and treatment activities in the workplace.

Funding for Sexual Prevention: Other Sexual Prevention (HVOP): $750,000

With FY 2010 funding in Other Prevention, FHI will provide technical assistance in support of the following priorities:

Strengthen the technical and organizational capacity of the National Program for the Fight against AIDS among Highly Vulnerable Populations (PLS-PHV).

Strengthen national coordination of HIV interventions targeting most at-risk populations (MARPs), especially commercial sex workers and men who have sex with men (MSM).

Development of national policy documents on MARPs (sex workers, MSM, injecting drug users) and other HVP (prison populations), as well as the minimum activity package (PMA) for MSM.

Development of a health insurance system and improving the national capacity for interventions with commercial sex workers and MSM,

Support the MLS and the Ministry of Health (MOH) to develop tools for national implementation of a monitoring system for behavioral characteristics and prevalence of STIs / HIV among sex workers.

Support the MLS and the MOH to strengthen peer education for community mobilization and BCC aimed at reducing STI/HIV risk in sex worker and MSM communities.

Work with national stakeholders to pilot and evaluate a follow-up system for sex workers and MSM and extend it to PAPO-HV sites (with national extension possible in 2011-2014).

Support the MLS and the MOH to develop a standardized protocol for situational analyses in prison populations (prisoners, guards, other staff, visitors) and conduct such analyses in three prisons.

Continue baseline study and capturerecapture studies on HVP.

Continue to reinforce the operational management of NGOs and existing associations through the strengthening of administrative and financial management, budgeting, leadership, monitoring and evaluation (M&E), and mobilization of resources.

FHI will collaborate with the MOH, the MLS, the Ministry of Women, Family, and Social Affairs (MFFAS), and PEPFAR implementing partners to develop comprehensive strategies for HVP based on national standards.

Subpartners Total: $0
Arcenciel: NA
Association pour la Promotion de la de la Santé de la Femme de la Mère de l'Enfant et de la Famille: NA
Association pour le Soutien à l'Auto Promotion Sanitaire Urbaine: NA
Côte d'Ivoire Prospérité: NA
Espace Confiance: NA
Groupe Biblique des Hopitaux: NA
Initiative Développement Afrique Libre: NA
Institut de Médecine Tropicale: NA
Renaissance Santé Bouaké: NA
Service d'Assistance Pharmaceutique et Médical: NA
Cross Cutting Budget Categories and Known Amounts Total: $842,123
Human Resources for Health $842,123
Key Issues Identified in Mechanism
End-of-Program Evaluation
Child Survival Activities
Mobile Populations
Safe Motherhood
Workplace Programs